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> Lying / Lying Spirit
There are 8 questions in this category.
I am having a problem with my friend. I found out some news recently about something important in my life. My friends knew what I aspired to attain but I did not tell them that I received favorable results, but rather lied and said that I did not know at all. I did not reveal the real news even to a very close friend, but also lied to her. The truth was finally revealed and I apologized to everyone about lying and not telling them sooner. However, I do not feel right because I feel like it is my news and that I can share whenever I am ready, but I feel like they do not understand that and they are still upset with me. I know I sinned by lying, but I did not know what to do in this situation. I was not ready to tell anyone at first and I wanted to keep it to myself. I feel very bad about it, but I wish my friend did not ask and pressure me so many times and being intrusive. Can you please advise me on what I can I do in a situation when someone asks me a personal question and I do not want to answer that question? I do not want to lie, but I might also not want to give out that information. What should I do?
In the Bible, we see that Joseph falsely accused his brothers of being spies even though he knew full well that they weren't spies. He did it only as an excuse for them to bring Benjamin to Egypt. Is not that deceit or lying? Is it justified?
In the Holy Book of 1 Kings 22:20-23, a lying spirit is mentioned. Is this a lying spirit from God? If so how can that be?
Is telling a lie legitimate when trying to avoid hurting people's feelings? For example; if my opinion was solicited by a not-so-good-looking person, would it be sinful not to tell the truth just to make them feel good about themselves? What do you suggest to do in such or a similar situation?
Is there a "good" kind of lying (e.g. covering other people's sins)? Because there are many stories in the Paradise of the Monks speaking about covering our brother's sins, can you clarify this point for me?
Judith used lies to save her people. This makes it seem OK to lie. What is the correct reasoning/logic behind this?
What about in situations like a surprise party for a friend where lying sometimes is necessary to cover up the plan or if a teacher lies to her students about a test date (with no intention of giving the test) just to see who would come prepared? Would it be okay to lie in these situations?
You stated in one of your answers at http://www.suscopts.org/q&a/index.php?qid=300&catid=250 that "There is no such thing as a 'good' kind of lying". How does your Grace explain the good lie that the midwives in Exodus 1:15-21 had told? I still feel that in some cases it might be wise to lie; for example, to save someone's life. According to St. Paul "
...the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life
" (2 Corinthians 3:6).
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