Q&A Home > L > Logos of God Why is Jesus called the Word of God? In the prologue of the Gospel according to St. John, the Word of God—the Son of God and the Logos of God, are exactly the same Person. They are the same Being, hypostasis, and reality. The “Son of God” and “Logos of God” are synonymous. God is the ultimate truth and love. The second Person of the Divine Trinity is called the “Son—the Son of God.” Because God is love, He expresses Himself perfectly in the Person of His Son, the Logos, was born of the Virgin Mary as the Man, Jesus, the Son of God. Thus, the Son of God, the Word of God, is the image of God, and the icon of God.
St. Athanasius says, “God is never alogos”—wordless. God is never without His Word. He cannot be Wordless. The Church Fathers say: “How can you understand God not having a Word?” “He cannot be without understanding.” “He has to have a Word.” God also has to have a Spirit. There must be the Spirit of God. Thus, the Holy Scripture gives witness that God is never without His Word and never without His Spirit. The Spirit of God and the Word of God are together with God from the very beginning and are divine with the very same divinity that God has, because they are God’s Word and God’s Spirit.
That Word is the agent. The Word is the One through whom God makes Himself known. He [the Word of God] is the One through whom God reveals Himself. He is the One, when God speaks. It is that Word who is speaking. God always has his Word with Him, and that Word abides with Him. It is in Him. The Word of God, the Logos of God, is an element of God’s very own being. God is with His Word, and does not exist without His Word. His Word is divine with the same divinity as God is Himself, and also with His Spirit. Orthodox Christians believe that divinity, the Godhead, is the one God and Father, the Word, and the Spirit: Father, Word, and Spirit.
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