Q&A Home > F > Fasts During the Fast of Jonah or Nineveh, is there a response recited at communion time with the Holy Book of Psalm 150? Some people say Jonah in the belly of the whale as a symbol of the Lord Jesus Christ in the tomb three days. Also should the long Alleluia be said at the beginning of this Holy Psalm or is that exclusive to the Holy Great Fast? Also should Je efesmarout and Pimairomi be said? And finally, should the concluding hymn of Somatos be said? Yes, there is a response for the Holy Book of Psalm 150 and Alleluia should be chanted in the long melody. You can also say Je Efesmaraout and Pimairomi but the concluding hymn of Somatos should not be chanted. You should use the annual response for the concluding hymn "bless the airs of the heaven."
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