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> Fasting
There are 21 questions in this category.
I have a serious illness that causes me to be tired. I am also taking strong medication which makes me even more tired. I am scared of becoming Orthodox and fasting because I have tried fasting in the past and often felt extremely weak, although I can cope with a vegetarian fast before Christmas and Easter. Is it possible for me to practice a less strict form of fasting than normal because of my health?
I might be wrong but I think we are taught that fasting is not permitted between Easter and Pentecost; but what happens if an ordination takes place during that time? For example, if a Deacon was Ordained a Priest before Pentecost Day, does that mean he is not permitted to start his 40 days fasting and retreat until the day after Pentecost or can he begin his fast immediately after his ordination (within the Easter season)?
I pray, read the Agpeya and the Holy Bible. However, there are many things I don’t know but would like to learn about. When I asked many elderly people, all they did was yell at me.
I go to conventions and I learn, but what are the chances of my questions being answered when there are hundreds of others there, too, with other questions. My question is concerning fasting. What is the REAL point of fasting? Personally, I drink Soy Milk and eat fake cheese and veggie burgers. All these substitutes taste the same as what they are substituting. So if fasting is about resisting temptation, what am I resisting if I’m not really losing anything that I “like?” I still drink soy milk which to me tastes the same as skim milk and I still eat the substituted food that fill my needs as much as the subsisted food. This leads me to further ask if it is okay to abstain from something else other than food.
I want to fast but I think that fifty-five days of fasting are too long. What is your advice?
If fasting is not permitted during the Holy 50 days, can an ordained Priest or Bishop start fasting effective the day after Pentecost? If so, does that cancel out the fast of the Apostles for the ordained or would he be as if fasting both fasts at the same time?
If one has no real sense on how to start to fast in such a way that is not law, but spirit, how should I best begin?
If we are fasting and abstaining from food at a certain period of time, do we fast on Sundays if we did not go to Liturgy?
In the Old Testament, Moses fasted without food or water for 40 days several times. How is this possible? If we fast for even 3 days without water or food, we'll probably faint. If this is possible, why is fasting different now in the Church? We can eat vegan. Why don't we completely sustain from food?
Is it accepted by the church that we break our fast at midnight after any fast of the church? If not, then when can do so?
Is it dangerous to health to be on a continuous vegetarian diet with the aim of getting closer to God?
Is it sinful for a man to sleep with his wife while fasting?
Is it wrong to break fast at midnight after Wednesday and Fridays' Fast?
Non Copts often ask why is it that during some fasts, the church allows eating fish. Also, why has the church started this practice which did not exist before?
Notwithstanding the two different theories and beliefs concerning the first week, so called "Preparation Week" in the Holy Great Fast, I do not see any reason for adding an extra week to the forty days. This week has no theological nor symbolic meaning underlying it to which we could relate. So, on what basis does the Great Fast become a 55 day fast; and how do I reconcile it to both myself and to those to whom I am trying to preach the wonders of our the church?
What is fasting in the Coptic Orthodox religion and why do we fast?
What should I focus on this year to benefit the most from the Holy Great Fast?
When did the disciples fast immediately after Ascension and Pentecost?
Why is eating seafood allowed during the Nativity Fast but not during the Holy Great Fast? Also, why do we fast extra fifteen days before the Resurrection Feast?
Why is fasting with strict abstinence not allowed on Saturdays and Sundays?
With respect, may I ask—so many questions about fasting? There are so many fasts, how can one understand them all? 1. How does one begin? 2. How long does one fast—days, hours? 3. What to eat in that period?
Your Grace had mentioned in your series of lectures about the Divine Liturgy that fasting is divided into first and second degrees. The first-degree fasting are: the Holy Great Fast, Jonah's fast and Baramoun. The second- degree fasting are: Wednesdays & Fridays, the Holy Nativity Fast, the Apostles Fast, and St. Mary's Fast. First, that's against the belief of many people. Second, why are we not allowed eating seafood on Wednesdays & Fridays if they're in the second degree? Thirdly, I heard that Jonah's Fast was introduced to our Coptic Church later from the Syrian or Antiochian Church, so why is it considered a first degree fast?
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