Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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I have a strong relationship with St. Karas the Anchorite. I recently saw his movie and became more attached to him. I have tried him in some obstacles and saw that his prayers were very evident to the point that I donate monetary vows in his name in whichever monastery his name is remembered because of his great prayers for me.

I donate my vows to St. Antony Monastery in California (this is where he is mostly commemorated because the late Bishop Karas was buried there and wrote his story). My heart is torn because of my great love for St. Karas and also my love to the Diocese of the Southern USA and the services you provide for us.

I would like to make my vows to SUS Diocese and/or the Abbey in Texas, but I noticed that there are no churches or altars or priests in name of St. Karas. Are there any altars or monks or buildings at the Abbey in the name of this great saint? I know this is a futile question and as long as I am donating money, it shouldn't matter where it goes, but I am very particular in where I donate in commemoration of St. Karas due to the fact that the Lord promised twofold in Heaven to anyone who does this in the name of this saint.

There is a new objective. I am trying to sell my house in this poor economy and I am asking for St. Karas’ prayers. If the house gets sold, I wish to make a monetary vow in his name but would like it to go to the SUS Diocese. However, there is nothing commemorating his name in our Diocese? Am I wrong?

St. Karas is a wonderful saint and the late Bishop Karas of St. Antony's Monastery in California was like an angel. If you made a vow, it is important to keep it. It is alright if you do not specifically donate to the SUS Diocese or to the Abbey. As Coptic Orthodox Christians, we are one people. It will never be a matter about us or them for we are united in brotherly love in the body of Christ. At this time, we do not have any buildings, churches, priests, or monks named after St. Karas. My only concern for your well-intended zeal is that it does not become obsessive or superstitious. God knows the heart and the intentions. Whether it is a cold cup of water or millions of dollars, God looks at the obedient heart. The Lord kindly praised the generosity of the widow who quietly donated her two mites and in the Old Testament blessed the widow who fed Elijah the prophet. May the Lord accept your kindness and generosity and reward you with heavenly blessings.

"So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7)
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