Q&A Home > D > Devil When did the devil know that our Lord Jesus Christ, is the Son of God? The first encounter between our Lord Jesus Christ and the devil, written in the Holy Bible, was in the wilderness. Satan tempted the Lord Jesus Christ saying, "If You are the Son of God". From the beginning Satan expected that Jesus is Christ, the Son of God but was confused because, like the Jews, he thought that the Lord Jesus Christ would come as a powerful king to rule on earth. The Lord Jesus’ personality and works gave Satan conflicting messages. On one hand he saw the miracles, His authority over nature, illnesses, demons and even death and on the other hand His humbleness and meekness were in the devil's mind incompatible with the picture he had of Christ the Son of God, the deliverer of human kind. It is the minute the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross and the devil came to take His soul (as he did with every human who died since our father Adam) that, to his surprise, he realized the Lord Jesus Christ was the One who got hold of him, tied him and then descended into Hades to release all the souls of the righteous and took them to Paradise.
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